Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Activity 4: Exploration of Science Education Standards

Activity 4: Exploration of Science Education Standards

A.4.5 When studying a science-related problem, decide what changes over time are occurring or have occurred:
            I have, in this class used this during the first assignment. We were asked if hot or cold water boils faster, which freezes faster cold or hot water and which freezes faster salt water or regular water. This is where I saw a change over time to see which froze/boiled faster (or saw what change occurred). It showed me what factors are in the experiment and how that changes what happens to the water.

B.4.3 Show* how the major developments of scientific knowledge in the earth and space, life and environmental, and physical sciences have changed over time:
            I have accomplished this in my Geology course this winterm. We were studying the physical features of minerals and rock formations. I wrote up the descriptions of each of these vocabulary words from the professor’s lectures. I also found pictures on the internet that related to each picture so that I could visualize what these items were for easier memorizing. I then handed this in to show my professor that I had accomplished the power point lecture.

C.4.3 Select multiple sources of information to help answer questions selected for classroom investigations:
            I have accomplished this in my Geology course this winterm. We were studying the Era’s and what had happened in between each Era that changed the world around it. I wrote up a paragraph on each of the major events that happened to change the style of life forms in it. I found different ideas on how each major event happened from many different sources (both new and old).

D.4.1 Understand that objects are made of more than one substance, by observing, describing and measuring the properties of earth materials, including properties of size, weight, shape, color, temperature, and the ability to react with other substances:
            I have accomplished this requirement in this course during assignment number 3. I did this by identifying many different objects and realizing they had many different chemical compounds within them. I previously looked in depth into a few elements on the periodic table including the element’s weight, atomic number, color, reactions and temperatures.

E.4.1 Investigate that earth materials are composed of rocks and soils and correctly use the vocabulary for rocks, minerals, and soils during these investigations:
            I was to research canyons, volcanoes and other land masses in my online Geology class. I used rocks, minerals, and tectonic structures to define how the land masses got there and how they operate. I defined these vocabulary terms in each of my descriptions of volcanoes and earthquakes.

F.4.3 Illustrate* the different ways that organisms grow through life stages and survive to produce new members of their type:
            I completed this requirement in my middle school science class. We were to pick and draw or make a model of an organism that evolved or it’s life stages. I chose to draw a frog and its stages. I traced a picture of the frogs life stages on separate pieces of paper and labeled them all. I turned it into a booklet so the pictures were big enough to see.

G.4.2 Discover* what changes in technology have occurred in a career chosen by a parent, grandparent, or an adult friend over a long period of time:
            I met this requirement in my Technology class sophomore year of college. We were to do a presentation and research paper on a topic of choice. I chose to research smart boards in classrooms. I talked to my aunt who has been teaching for many years without this technology and now has an interactive white board. I explained that teachers went from paper to black boards to white boards and now they have interactive white boards.

H.4.1 Describe* how science and technology have helped, and in some cases hindered, progress in providing better food, more rapid information, quicker and safer transportation, and more effective health care:
            I have not talked a lot about this topic in classes that I remember. I have talked about in depth about how science and technology have helped and hindered progress in providing better food from my nutrition class. Pesticides and fertilizers are the biggest debate in helping and hindering our food today. Using new chemicals to keep away bugs and insects that destroy crops is a good aspect but having the chemicals on our food is sometimes bad for our bodies. Rapid information can be great in times where the information is important to get out to the masses but sometimes quick information that is given is wrong and not thoroughly explained causing panic and anger.

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